LB-075 Sanctuary - Dusseldorf Altbier (BIAB)
If one considers sanctuary to be sweet, one dimensional, and a bit underwhelming then they have come to the right place.

This was perhaps not our best beer. It seems the Yeastie Grrls did not come out to party and our attenuation was so poor that we left almost half the fermentable sugar in the final product. At 4.2% ABV, this is also one of (if not the) weakest beers we've ever produced. Sanctuary is a good name for it because you could drink it all day long and probably only feel the slightest of buzzes.
An exchange between the master brewer and Shift
Master: "I find the 'beer' to be thin, one dimensional, overly sweet and as boring as a man bun or a Pokemon tattoo... but an acceptable session beer... if one were into such things as session beer..."
Shift: "I like Pokemon tattoos, I've been planning to get one for over a decade."
Master: "Please don't let me influence your assessment."
Shift [after drinking 2 more weeks later]: "If I don't consider it beer, but instead as an alcoholic sweet tea, I find it rather enjoyable."
Brewed on August 15, 2021 and kegged on September 4, 2021. You can view the recipe here.