LB-073 Founders IPA - 2021 (BIAB)
It is "a showcase for hops, yet remaining quite drinkable."

Returning to our roots, this Founders was "a showcase for hops, yet remaining quite drinkable." It reached a solid 7.78% ABV, with a beautiful coloring that was well within style. Due to it's strength our Founders IPA could be considered a Double IPA.
A note from the master brewer
The adjective “double" is arbitrary and simply implies a stronger version of an IPA; “imperial,” “extra,” “extreme,” or any other variety of adjectives would be equally valid, although the modern American market seems to have now coalesced around the “double” term.
Brewed on June 12, 2021 and kegged on July 3, 2021. You can view the recipe here.