LB-069 Northern England Brown Ale

Humble by style only, this beer is so drinkable.

LB-069 Northern England Brown Ale

No need to embellish the quality of this beer with a name to deny its humble style. Its well-balanced, biscuity character provides warmth to those who need it during the seasonal weather that mirrors it's region of origin. Spring will soon be here, but for now we drink down the brown.

A note to the wise... drink this ale while it is fresh. Alas, it does not age well.

On a dreary February morning, with more than a bit of a chill (48F) in the air, the Luddites set out to brew a Brown Ale. At the Kismet Sanctuary, Killick awoke by 0530 to prepare. He set up the system and prepared victuals for the brew day to come. By 1000, FleaSoc, WWW (guest), QoT, and Shift were present. Li’l Hop was about underfoot. The crew lit the sacred flame with the traditional call, “Flame on!” They prepared to mill the grain, but the mill did not wish to cooperate. Killick brought out special tools (paper thin metal bands). FleaSoc adjusted the gap to .oo38 mm but the mill continued to ignore the Luddite pleas. So, FleaSoc and Shift took the mill and the grain to Micro Homebrew. There, Bob the Wise corrected their misconceptions on how the mill should work. With great humility Shift milled the grain using Micro Homebrew's mill and took it back to the Kismet Sanctuary. Then the day started in earnest.

Brewed on February 1, 2020 and kegged on February 15, 2020. You can view the recipe here.